
School Clinic

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Wellness Tips  Health Forms

List of 1 items.

  • Creating an environment of wellness

    That supports student learning
Our health clinics provide care for Lower, Middle, and Upper School students during school hours. School nurses Rebecca Heck, RN, and Kendall Hrabak, RN, will triage every student to assess their medical needs and communicate all significant findings with parents/guardians.

Steward has two clinic locations on campus: one in the Lower School and one in the Athletic Center.

The school clinics are staffed by registered nurses and operate under guidelines specified by the Code of Virginia, State Board of Nursing, Virginia Department of Health, and the Virginia Department of Education, and are directed by The Steward School’s Department of Human Resources. The school clinic works closely with the student, family, and school personnel to meet the physical, mental, emotional, and social needs of each student. The function of the school nurses is to attend to students’ health needs.

Parents/guardians can help ensure the well-being of all our students by:

  • Notifying the school nurse of any health concerns or chronic health conditions that may affect your child’s school day.
  • Following state guidelines regarding immunizations.
  • Encouraging good hygiene/hand washing practices at home and school.
  • Keeping an ill child home and letting the school know if the illness is contagious.

When a Student Should Stay Home

Parents are often confronted with this decision when their child complains of not feeling well. The guidelines listed below may be helpful, but they will not cover every medical condition and do not take the place of seeking medical attention. Please consult your doctor for specific medical advice.

  • If the student has a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater;
  • If the student is vomiting or has diarrhea because of illness;
  • If the student has an unknown rash or possible contagious condition;
  • If the student is unable to focus due to pain or an acute illness;
  • If the student has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis, strep throat, or other contagious illness that requires 24 hours of antibiotic treatment prior to returning to School.

Your child must be free of symptoms of contagious disease (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, etc.) for 24 hours before returning to school.

Please be prompt when you have been contacted to pick up your ill or injured child in order to minimize their chance of spreading or acquiring a contagious illness. To read more about our policies, please read our Contagious/Non-contagious Illness Protocol.

Illness Information

Please refer to our Contagious/Non-contagious Illness Protocol for information about Steward's illness policies and practices in the 2024-25 school year.


List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Rebecca Heck

    Becca Heck 

    School Nurse
    (804) 740-3394 x6561
  • Photo of Kendall Hrabak

    Kendall Hrabak 

    School Nurse
    (804) 740-3394 x6551


The Steward School uses Magnus Health, an online health portal, to manage your child’s health information. All health forms should be completed prior to the start of school and uploaded to Magnus Health. Please download the forms at the links below, complete and submit to the Magnus Health portal.

Copyright 2025 The Steward School