
State of the School 2020-21

Head of School Dan Frank shares a State of the School update in a new video.
As we prepare for reenrollment in early February, I can’t help but reflect on the year that has passed since we shared our annual State of the School last January. 

I am reminded of actor John Krasinski’s show “Some Good News,” which features the resilience, bravery, and kindness of everyday Americans.

Life at Steward this year has been filled with a lot of good news! Every day, we see students growing and changing into the best of themselves. We see teachers going out of their way to care for students, Lower Schoolers conquering new challenges, Middle Schoolers making new friends, and Upper Schoolers gaining greater understanding of the world around them. Coaches cheer from a safe distance, tutors patiently counsel over Zoom, spirit week outfits are paired with coordinating masks, and SAL students digitally raise their hands. 

What we cannot “see” on campus is all that you, our parents, do at home to enable this community to thrive. But we do see it. We appreciate how you guide and advocate for your children. We notice the lunches you pack, the temperatures you take for SchoolPass, the encouraging waves at carpool, the Steward50 donations, the homework you help with, and the kind notes you send to teachers. Thank you for all that you do — this school, this community would not be who we are without you.

Thank you also for the input you shared in our annual parent survey. I am humbled by the strength of your support. This input is invaluable, and the Board of Trustees, the Executive Council, and all faculty and staff use it to guide and improve the Steward program. 

Learn more about the survey results in the video below and this news article.


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