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How Engagement Creates Better Math and Reading Experiences for Kids

With math and reading scores declining across the board amongst U.S. students, many educators are looking to reimagine their classrooms as more interactional engaging spaces.
At The Steward School, Lower School Director Ingrid Moore wants to ensure that her pupils become high achievers in math and life-long readers. To inspire them, her faculty designs curriculum experiences that stretch children and intentionally offer more hands-on experiences for students.

Here's what Mrs. Moore had to say about providing different kinds of opportunities for students to engage with the work:

Should Math Be Fun:
"Parents often wonder should math be this much fun, and the truth is that it didn't use to be that way, right? We all remember a time when math was very serious — very much sitting at a desk, working hard, and solving problems. The truth is, you can have it both ways. You can be challenged intellectually and pushed conceptually while still having fun. The fun piece is what ensures student engagement, and we know that students who are more engaged are more likely to achieve at high levels and continue to progress through math!"

The Big Picture Foundations of Reading:
"For our younger students, learning how to read is a huge focus for us. Parents want to make sure that their child grows into a lifelong reader, and that's our goal too. We know that offering kids multiple modes into learning how to read is what actually helps them in the most. So, no longer is it just reading or being read to. We help them to engage their whole body in reading by using their hands and their bodies to connect with sounds, letter names, and whole words. It's actually the beginning of the whole big picture."

The Signs of a Good School:
"When it comes to your child, you know language and math are so crucial because they're the basis of everything. I encourage you to look for inspiration around their classrooms in the form of letters, words, and children's work. You want to find kids who are engaged in reading with books of their choice. At Steward, you'll see kids who are completely absorbed in active reading, and that's a sign that the school is doing what they should be doing."

Watch the video above to learn more about the benefits of this approach for Lower School students, and reach out to us at to schedule a tour to see this approach in action.

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